Wednesday, November 8, 2023

5. Pig Meat: Still Unclean? by Carol Balizet

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Pig Meat: Still Unclean?

by Carol Balizet

Jehovah, Father God, once told His people that swine was unclean; and that they would offend Him and do themselves spiritual damage if they ate it. Today pig meat is implanted in people almost routinely. How does He feel about that?

This is a letter I wrote about 4 years ago to the gentleman in charge of a large and very effective ministry here in Florida. He had written a compelling article about what the Bible calls "The Abomination of Desolation", described in Daniel and referred to by Jesus in His warning about the end times. He said, "When you see the abomination that desolates, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, then flee to the mountains..." This gentleman explained the original event (when Antiochus IV came down across the land bridge into the Holy land and invaded Israel; and defiled and profaned the altar of God in the Tabernacle by killing a pig there and allowing that unclean blood to contaminate the site of Jehovah's worship.) My letter was in response to that article.

Dear ----------,

I have enjoyed your writings for a long time. I think they are Scriptural, timely and extremely well-written. In addition, they almost always align with my own beliefs - and that's always nice. This is the first time I've been moved to write a response. It's something I almost never do.

The message about the abomination of desolation was absolutely wonderful! This is the article I want to talk about, and I pray my response won't seem to be such out-of-the-boat thinking that it offends you. Because I had a word from God about this subject a while back; and while you may discount it totally, I'm pretty sure it will hold your interest!

I worked as a registered nurse for years - actually for decades - and much of what the Lord ministered to me during those years concerned the medical system. The things that system does, uses, believes and endorses are generally considered to be good, actually they're usually considered to be God's modern-day equivalent for "the stripes of Jesus", but much of it is just plain sinful. The Lord began my disenchantment by exposing me to the reality of the sin involved in things like a pelvic exam, the giving and taking of blood, the pharmakia (drug-taking is not limited by God to so-called street drugs; even drugs with prescriptions offend Him) etc. etc. I began to see that system as a counterfeit of Jehovah Rapha.

So this was my mind-set when organ transplants began. I had been educated by God beyond the usual belief that "Whatever doctors do is beneficial". And far beyond the usual Christian viewpoint that "God gave us doctors; He gave doctors their wisdom; this is the modern-day manifestation of God as Healer." Instead I had seen it from within, seen it as really dangerous, yet sacrosanct to almost everybody, including the Church.

I thought from the beginning that implanting organs from one body into another was at least suspect. I saw that this mixture of human bodies, of corrupting the integrity of what was "curiously wrought in secret" by the Father's hand, of contaminating a person's specific DNA - I thought this almost certainly offended a God who made clear His objections to mixture. He told us not to plow with two different kinds of animals at the same time, not to plant different kinds of seed in the same field, not to wear linen and wool at the same time. This is the same God who honored Elijah's demand that His people not "halt between two opinions" because they must serve either Him or Baal; the God who promises to vomit out the lukewarm; the God who says plainly through James that the "double-minded; receive nothing from God..." surely this God would not approve of implanting the heart (liver, kidneys, whatever) of a dead body within the still-living body of another human being. Surely this is at least as offensive as the Genesis 6 union of human females with fallen angels.

We know that the effects of that abomination so offended God that it resulted in the Flood. Our Lord saw those six-fingered Giants, and He would not (maybe even could not) bring forth Messiah through a race which was now a hybrid composed of different species. Is the current activity of implanting parts of dead bodies within other, still-living bodies any less offensive and destructive?

(Allow me to add some background comments about this practice of organ transplants. This is done in the headlong determination to maintain corporeal life no matter what it takes. Most humans seem to buy Satan's lie that "Ye shall not surely die..." They hope that if they "eat right", and "work out", submit to medical care and do as they're told by its practitioners and its protocols, they can avoid ever encountering the Grim Reaper. But God, of course, says that "... there is a time to die"; and as surely as we are born, we shall surely die. In another place He says, "It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgement". And that's what we should fear; not just the death of this body. We're eternal beings and we shall live forever...somewhere! That's what matters. Not when we die, or even how we die, but where we go after we die!)

Now to return to the subject at hand: all this was my point of view when I began to hear of xenotransplantation - the use of animal organs for implantation within humans. Not just other human beings' parts: animal parts! My exposure began when I read of bone marrow from a baboon being injected into the bones of a young man in hopes of a cure; it seems that baboons are immune to the disease he had. From then till now I've read about animal-parts-into-people countless times, and it's always in an approving, affirming way. There was an enthusiastically favorable article in Time Magazine not long ago entitled "Pig Parts for People"; they're raising special kinds of swine specifically to harvest organs for implantation in humans. (Hearts and livers, mainly; they are apparently very similar in the two species.)

I thought things like, "Unclean!" and "How will those who won't eat pork react to this? Will they think this is ok? Or will they see that it's even worse?" and "You better come on down, Lord, because this has to be at least as evil as Babel..." I find the whole subject both fascinating and repelling. Now something has occurred to me, and this is why I'm writing to you.

Your article about the actions of Antiochus IV, slaughtering a pig on Jehovah's altar, shedding unclean blood to defile and desecrate this holy site, brought to mind this thought: "If a person becomes a Christian then he is a temple of God. The Lord says that He no longer dwells in temples made with hands, but within His people. So what happens if a Christian heart (the physical organ) is replaced with the heart of a pig? Is that altar defiled? Is this person desecrated? " And I wondered - I still do - what does the Lord see when He "looks upon the heart" and sees pig? On one hand I think, "This is so logical and obvious, maybe everybody sees it." But on the other hand I think, "If everybody sees it, why aren't we hearing any objections? Why does no one else (that I know of) seem to see anything wrong with cadaver parts for people, let alone pig parts!"

One possible explanation of my (apparently) esoteric knowledge: I have the enormous benefit of over 30 years with that system, and I am therefore under no illusions about its sanctity. I know first hand how much of what they do is evil. The knowledge and the principles of iatrogenic medicine do not stem from the Tree of Life but from another source, and of course they will do anything to prevail. And they will do it without ever even wondering what God may think about it. From that point of view, let's consider this concept: that implanting some part of a cloven-hoofed, unclean animal, forbidden under the law as defiling, within the living body of a Christian human being as a perfect parallel in the church age, now, of what was done way back then in Israel by Antiochus. And if this is true, is there anything in the world that can be done? If there is, should it be done?

So I said all that to say this: what do you think? "She's crazy"? "It's kind of interesting but not important"? Or even, "Maybe she's got hold of something"? Whatever you think, I appreciate your taking time to read this. I would be honored to hear from you, but I know you're busy and I won't expect it.

Whatever may happen about that, I wish you well. I pray God will continue to anoint and bless your ministry, and bring you and all those you love safely home.

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